Below are the current bills that have been introduced in this legislative term for hearing aid insurance coverage.


A1571: This is Grace's Law. Primary Sponsors are Assemblyman Joseph Roberts and Assemblyman Herb Conaway. This bill requires health insurers, State Health Benefits and NJ Family Care to provide coverage for hearing aids not to exceed $1000 for each ear for children 15 and younger every 24 months. Currently it is waiting for its' 2nd reading in the Assembly and is out of all committees. It has an identical bill "Grace's Law" S467 in the Senate House (See below.).

S467: This is Grace's Law. Primary Sponsors are Senator Buono and Senator Lance. This bill requires health insurers, State Health Benefits and NJ Family Care to provide coverage for hearing aids not to exceed $1000 for each ear for children 15 and younger every 24 months. Currently it is waiting for its' 2nd reading in the Senate House and is out of all committees. It's sister bill is A1571.

S203: This bill requires health insurers to cover hearing aids every 48 months and the total cost for the covered person is not to exceed 15%. There is no age restriction. The primary sponsors are Senator Vitale and Senator Singer. This bill has not moved in the past 3 legislative sessions. This bill resides in the Senate Commerce committee. Contact Senator Gill to post it for a vote!

S170: Primary sponsor is Senator Bucco. This bill increases hearing aid assistance allowance to $500 per year for the Aged and Disabled Program under PAADs. It is in the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee.

(Actually there are a few other hearing aid bills as well so please visit the NJ Legislature website. Go to our HAIL links.)

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